Finding D.B. Cooper
Possible new evidence turns up in Cooper dig
Daily Astorian, by Elleda Wilson; August 18, 2017
Maybe the D.B. Cooper mystery will finally be solved, after all.
In case you don’t remember,...
DB Cooper: Uncovered ‘evidence’ and alleged crime-partner names now with FBI
Fox News, August 14, 2017; by Inv. Reporter Robert Gearty
Retired FBI agent studies vet-jumper's find. Forensic scientist directs a burn test, but the piece doesn't light or drip. To...
New ‘evidence’ in DB Cooper case handed over to Bureau
Seattle Post-Intelligencer, August 14, 2017; by Daniel DeMay
A fabric strap or flap, perhaps from the famed D.B. Cooper's parachute, was reportedly found recently in the Pacific Northwest and handed...
Tip leads D.B. Cooper hunters to possible parachute material
Oregonian, by Douglas Perry; August 14, 2017
Thomas J. Colbert, his wife Dawna and their team of searchers have dug up what they say is "potential evidence" that could lead...
DB Cooper mystery: ‘Potential’ physical evidence uncovered in search
Thomas Colbert is handed the buried object by a retired FBI supervisor
New York Post; by Samual Chamberlain
Published August 10, 2017
A crew of volunteer cold-case investigators in the Pacific Northwest,...
Self-styled sleuths sue FBI for DB Cooper files
By Reporter Perry Chiaramonte, Fox News DC Bureau; 9/8/16
A team of self-styled “cold case” sleuths believes they have solved the 45-year-old mystery of D.B. Cooper, and on Thursday announced...
Lawsuit filed against FBI to make D.B. Cooper investigation file public
By Everton Bailey Jr. | The Oregonian & OregonLive; September 8, 2016
A Los Angeles-based filmmaker has filed a lawsuit Thursday to compel the FBI and the U.S. Department of...
D.B. Cooper Mystery Deepens
By Erick Bengel, The Daily Astorian, 9/5/2016
The FBI may have closed the case on the unidentified skyjacker D.B. Cooper, but citizen-sleuth Tom Colbert and his cold case team...
Five Fast Facts You Need to Know; By Shannon Walsh; July 11, 2016; Updated December 4, 2016
In July of 2016, History Channel aired its new documentary, DB Cooper: Case Closed, in which a team of...