Code-breaking could reveal D.B. Cooper’s true identity

Daily Mail January 8th, 2018 Rod Ardehali/Mailonline & James Wilkinson Dogged independent investigators examining documents reportedly sent by D.B. Cooper believe a secret coded message may finally have confirmed the true identity...

Why the FBI didn’t nail D.B. Cooper

STOCKTON RECORD; By Michael Fitzgerald; Monday, July 02, 2018; In 2016, a jaw-dropping History Channel program made a convincing case that legendary skyjacker D.B. Cooper was a retired University of...

London Guardian: The “Focus Shifts to Colbert”

By Stuart Heritage; Wednesday, July 13, 2022; The Guardian  DB Cooper is one of those figures who everyone thinks...
DB Cooper escape story -Russ & Kristy Cooper - Evidencevideo

Northwest couple learns escape story, directs team to buried find

Story Sources Russ and Kristy Cooper 'Parachute Strap' discovery spot may also hide D.B. Cooper's ransom By James Wilksinson, for; August 10, 2017 A team of volunteer investigators may have found...
Rick Sherwood DB Cooper Codevideo

Hoosier says he broke Cooper’s secret code, then shows us how

INDIANAPOLIS STAR, Article #1; By Tim Evans; August 8, 2018;  Wheatfield, Ind. — It was the incongruous string of numbers in a December 11, 1971 letter that first attracted Rick...
DB Cooper Evidence search team - to FBI

Finding D.B. Cooper

Possible new evidence turns up in Cooper dig Daily Astorian, by Elleda Wilson; August 18, 2017 Maybe the D.B. Cooper mystery will finally be solved, after all. In case you don’t remember,...

Sleuth claims hidden encryption links Cooper letter to highly trained Vietnam vet

FOX NEWS Website; by Ryan Gaydos; 1/5/18; A stream of numbers at the bottom of a typed letter believed sent by the mysterious fugitive D.B. Cooper came from a man...

Self-styled sleuths sue FBI for DB Cooper files

By Reporter Perry Chiaramonte, Fox News DC Bureau; 9/8/16 A team of self-styled “cold case” sleuths believes they have solved the 45-year-old mystery of D.B. Cooper, and on Thursday announced...

Catching D.B. Cooper

Robert W. Rackstraw -- was a hotshot pilot for the CIA around the world, for decades -- before and after the hijacking and his daring jump! Case...